UPDATE: View the video of the bonfire here.
Once again this year you are cordially invited to a themed Bonfire and Firework evening, in the tradition of extravaganzas of previous years. Following our previous Great Fires of The Houses of Parliament, HS2, Pudding Lane, Star Wars Space Ship, Nuclear Power Plant and Nottingham Castle, the same team is proud to present Jurassic Park, complete with smoking Dinosaur, lights and themed Music – a scene the children will love.
For the “Bring a Guy” competition we would welcome effigies of Prehistoric Monsters
We have a huge Firework Display, plus a Bar and BBQ Burgers/ Sausages.
It promises to be another great evening, starting at 5:30 on Saturday 3rd November on Speen Playing Fields. Tickets in advance are now available at Speen Stores (discounted – £18 Family Ticket (2 adults 2 children), £6 Adult, £4 under 16) or
On the Gate, on the Night (£20 Family Ticket, £7 Adult, £5 under 16)
Hope to see you all there – Click Here for the DinoFire poster!.